Our vision is protecting yours. As such, we always love when we receive stories of our safety glasses saving our customers' eyes.
And receive we do.
Since 1998, we've amassed quite a collection of true eye-saving stories. And while we hate to hear accidents happening to good people, we're always humbled to see our products hard at work, keeping eyes safe.
From keeping flying pieces of wood away to stopping shards of glass, here are just a few of our recent stories of Edge safety glasses hard at work.
Chainsaw vs. Edge

While using a chainsaw to cut up a fallen tree, a wedge-shaped piece of wood dislodged from the log and shot violently toward one man's face. The massive gash left on his face required 60 stitches. But his eye was protected from serious injury behind his
Edge Kazbek safety glasses.
You never know when your eyesight is going to be threatened. And that's why wearing safety-rated, impact-resistant eyewear every day is so important. Safety glasses aren't only for those who work on a job site or other career that requires them anymore. Because you never know when an accident will happen, our commitment is to create eyewear that's Built for More Safety.
Could Have Lost an Eye . . . Or Two

While responding to an emergency call on a busy interstate, a large bolt flew off a vehicle and hit the windshield of Brett's patrol vehicle. Shards of glass exploded into the cab and struck Brett in the face and arms. The
Whitikar sunglasses that he was wearing protected his eyes from flying bits of glass and debris. Without the proper eye protection, Brett could have lost his right to see in this split, unexpected moment. Although our Whitikar outdoor sunglass is not ANSI Z87.1+ approved, it's made with the same high-impact and durable materials as our safety glasses.
Eye Injuries Happen in a Split Second

Ironworking is dangerous and can pose unique risks to eyesight. After his co-workers' sleever bar (a tool used for aligning heavy pieces of steel) slipped, the sharp pointed end was sent straight toward Nick's eye. Luckily, he was wearing his safety glasses; in this case, our
Salita, and his eye was saved. Nick walked away with only a small cut on his eyebrow, caused by the bar drifting off the lens. Nick can still see with both eyes today because he was wearing safety glasses.
Why Is Wearing Safety Glasses Important?
You never know when your vision will be put at risk. And put simply, that's why it's so important to always wear safety-rated eyewear. Projects around the house, hazards on the job and even the UV rays we're all exposed to daily can be a risk your eyes.
We hear it a lot . . . "I never thought it would happen to me!" Whether the stories that follow this phrase are of eye-saving or vision-losing is simply a matter of if the teller was wearing safety glasses or not.
Here's our suggestion: don't be part of the nearly 300,000 eye injuries that send people to the hospital each year in the U.S. Wear safety glasses instead.