No matter where you are, and no matter what project you're working on, few things are more frustrating than fogging safety glasses. To have the precious gift of sight inhibited by this pesky natural phenomenon can be downright infuriating.
Safety glasses fog because of a buildup of water vapor (tiny droplets of water) on the surface of the lenses. If you'd like to know more about the science of fogging safety glasses, keep reading. Otherwise, here are some practical tips to keep your safety glasses from fogging up.
How to Keep Safety Glasses From Fogging Up

Wash Your Safety Glasses in Soapy Water
Polish Your Lenses With a Little Bit of Shaving Cream
Yep, the stuff sitting in your shower or under your bathroom sink. Like soap, a thin layer of shaving cream can act as a temporary barrier to repel moisture—ultimately acting as an impromptu anti-fog coating.
Use Anti-fog Spray
Commercially available anti-fog sprays can help temporarily prevent fogging safety glass lenses. These topical coatings form an invisible layer that can slow the buildup of water vapor on your lenses. However, they will require frequent reapplication, as the chemicals break down throughout the day.
Try Edge’s Vapor Shield Anti-fog Safety Glasses
Vapor Shield is an anti-fog technology that's infused into the lenses during the manufacturing process. This semi-permanent anti-fog technology helps inhibit the buildup of water vapor from condensation, ambient humidity and steam. With proper care, Vapor Shield can last for years, not days. And properly caring for our anti-fog safety glasses is as easy as it comes. All you need is a bit of water and a soft cloth or one of our microfiber bags—not the harsh chemicals or coatings that other lenses require.
The Science Behind Fogging Lenses
Put simply, fog is composed of tiny droplets of water. Safety glasses fog because these tiny droplets of water (water vapor) cover the lenses. There are three main sources of water vapor.
Condensation occurs when warm water vapor contacts a cooler surface. This intersection of water in its gaseous form and a cool surface results in the vapor releasing as liquid on the surface. So, when your warm breath collides with your cold lenses, you’re left with a fogging safety glasses.
Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. Much like condensation, this airborne water vapor can cause fogging lenses—especially when extreme temperature swings teams up with humid conditions.
Steam can be man-made or natural. It’s simply vaporized water and, when this vapor hits a surface, bam! Fog. However, unlike condensation, temperature differences aren’t required for the buildup of fog. Rather, the airborne vaporized water will attach itself to any surface that gets in its way.
See Clearly, Stay Safe
Why suffer from fogging glasses when solutions to slow the buildup of water vapor are available? Whether you’re choosing homegrown remedies or modern antifog technologies, keeping your glasses free from fogging can keep you safer at work, more satisfied at play and less frustrated everywhere!